Monday, December 17

"Boogie Woogie Santa Claus"

Sunday, December 16

Okay people, hopefully I am off of my blogging sabatacle for good now! It will feel good to start taking time to journal on here again. Between our camera not working, me feeling sick and headachy from pregnancy and spending much of my spare time making jewellery for shows (check out my website: B Jewelled) I have had no motivation to blog. I'm back, though and hopefully you enjoy sharing in some of our good times as a family again.
Kalia's Christmas outfit

Kalia's own little tree - that she is allowed to terrorize!!
My tree

Thursday, December 13

Just a Tidbit

Here's "big sister" Kalia, hamming it up for the camera - she's so glad mommy has a new one!! Oh - did I mention I am pregnant?

Wednesday, October 10

Miscellanious Summer Pictures

Here are some beautiful pictures that my mom emailed me of some that she took over the summer. We really did have a fun and action-packed summer. Between being on the field, going to the lake, and all of our other outings it feels like we were barely at home. It feels interesting to return to the scheduled feeling of fall after such a spontanious holiday.

Tuesday, September 25

In Case You're Wondering . . .

If you've been checking my blog this summer you've probably noticed that my posts have been few and far between. This is not due to lack of excitement around here, it's because Kalia broke our digital camera and so I've been stuck taking pictures (way less, I might add) with our old trusty camera that uses film - which is not exactly blogger friendly! Anyways, thanks for still checking from time to time. In the mean time, I'll try to siften some pictures off of my mom's camera soon so that there is some action on this blog again.

Monday, August 20

On the Farm (LOTS of pictures!)

Sittin pretty on a bale
Getting ready to go with Daddy
So proud of herself!
Is it time for bed yet mom?

Someone's been watching Daddy - she even has one hand on the shifter!!

Goofy smiles! This is what she does when I ask her to smile on command

Of course the semi ride wouldn't be complete without using the two way radio!

Pointing out Uncle Todd in the Skid Steer
Watching the truck get loaded

We've been spending a lot of time out at the Siemens family farm because Scott has been out helping with the bales and such. Kalia loves her Semi rides and watching the tractors, as well as being let loose on the field. It always makes for good family time while driving too because there are no other distractions to worry about, and Kalia actually lets us hold her for extented periods of time. Usually she is so busy running around that she doesn't want to sit still on anybody's lap. She has even fallen asleep in the semi this year. I had an urge to do a photo shoot the last time we were out, inspired by the golden fields and the clear sunny sky. This time of year is so beautiful on the praries. Makes you think God knew what he was doing, huh?

Wednesday, August 15

Fun in the Sun!

These are just a few of the MANY pictures we've taken at the lake this summer. Kalia has had such a blast there exploring and swimming up a storm, and she loves boat rides too. I am so thankful for such a fun summer vacation spot.

Wednesday, August 1

Happy Birthday Isabelle

We were invited to a fun little birthday party for Kalia's friend Isabelle on Monday afternoon! It was a very fun day and the girls had lots of fun playing together with hardly any crying! Andrea put on a beautiful party for her precious little girl! All of the girls were dressed up in their fanciest party dresses, which made for fun pictures.
The two future pianists!
Kalia nicely gave Isabelle her gift (I was so proud!)

And, of course, helped her open it!

All four girls playing with balloons! (Kalia, Annika, Isabelle, and Kaysia)

Hanging out

Hee Hee - look at Annika trying to terrorize Kalia!

Me with the Birthday girl

Me and my baby girl

Being silly with "Auntie Andrea"

Kalia and Isabelle looking pretty