We have had so many great times at the lake already this summer, and I've taken HUNDREDS of pictures! I can't even begin to post them all. I always enjoy the getaway of going to the cottage even just for the weekend. This summer, Scott was able to take a whole week off of work for us to have holidays - it was just so great! It's such a nice time to relax and leave my every day worries behind. I love it that I don't even think about facebook, blogging, or any of the other things that take up so much of my time in a regular week. I also get to enjoy the kids so much more when we are there. I have Scott around to help full time, plus my parents and sisters. Plus there is so much fun stuff to do that the kids don't seem to get grouchy much at all! I don't think there's ever been a summer I've enjoyed the cottage more! Here are a ton of pictures of some of our 'Hot Day Fun!' (Rainy days post to follow . . . )

Kalia even loves her favorite game - chase!! - in the water!

Just inspecting Auntie Crissi's bling!

Always something to say, that girl :)

"How far can I bend over without falling in??"

Building sand castles with Daddy, or in Oliver's case, just eating the sand.

The kids were fascinated by the group of Canadian geese that paid us a visit! We have a rule about not feeding the geese because then they always come onto the dock and leave their mark! My dad let the kids throw pieces of wild mushroom for them this time though and when they left Kalia shouted out "Look Nana, they didn't even poop!"

Collecting seashells on the shore (they were put there by my mom for her to find!)