Thursday, July 20

Enjoying her mobile - I've really been trying to get her used to her crib. For naps during the day she's been sleeping well in her own bed, but she just wakes up a little scared and screams out - literally - it's way more like a scream than like a cry and it breaks my heart. She looks so tiny and alone in that big crib. I wish I could just hold her all the time! I have to get myself used tp the crib almost as much as she does. She is getting bigger though so I know she'll have to make the move soon anyway. I guess I just have trouble trusting in my moniter instead of hearing every ittle peep right in my room at night.

Takes an afternoon snooze . . .

. . . and wakes up very happy!

Enthralled with Daddy's video game

One of her first times wearing jeans - she's getting so grown up


Trev and Rebekah said...

She's getting so big. Time really flys by fast, eh?

patti said...

aaawww...i love babies in jeans - so cute!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Brandi! Thanks for sharing!

Christine said...

She is so big already! What a doll.

Wenona said...

Awww, she is so cute! I can't believe how big she is getting.

Amber said...

HA...the xbox picture. I have a few pictures of Hailey & Erik like that too. Scott should enjoy it while it lasts.....taking care of Kalia will get harder when she gets bigger and isn't content to sit on his lap while he plays :) Sometimes now when Erik wants to play ps but Hailey wants his attention I remind him of how when she was little she would be happy to play HIS games with him. ha ha.