Sunday, April 15

First Easter and 11 months old

I was totally sick over Kalia's first Easter, so here are the meager few pics that I snapped.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable. Your little girl is looks so sweet in the photos.

Erica H said...

Kalia is an absolutely gorgeous little girl! And I can only imagine she'll grow to be a beautiful woman someday, inside and out!

Shanilie said...

What a beautiful girl! I'm not her mom but I can tell you that she is one of the cutest little girls! You're right when you mentioned that mom's are usually bias to their own ;) Sorry to hear that you were sick over easter. It is fun recording all of the babies' firsts! Love your new pink blog. It is perfect!

Keira said...

I can't believe she's almost a year! I remember so vividly the news when she was born! And I remember how the sky looked when I drove out to see you in the hospital; it was raining in the west but clear overhead, and it's all very vivid in my mind. I barely washed the dirt off my feet from work before I left - I couldn't wait to see her.