Tuesday, March 11

A Quick Update

For those of you who haven't heard through Amber's blog or facebook, I've been going through a pretty rough time in the last few weeks. Scott, Kalia and I have all had chest colds for almost a month this winter and two weeks ago on Thursday I started to take a turn for the worse. By Monday (last week) Scott took me in to emergency where I was addmitted to the Boundary Trails hospital for treatment of pneumonia. I was in the hospital for five days on IV and heart moniters (due to other complications as well that I will go into at a later time) and released after being sent to St Boniface for some specialized tests on Friday. Though I have been home now for a few days, there has been little improvement and my doctor said that I will have a long road of recovery ahead. I can hardly do anything for myself, so taking care of Kalia is out of the question and we have needed around the clock help becuase of Scott going to work. He is just getting over his own bronchil infection as well and Kalia is on medication for a middle ear infection, eye infection, and prevention of her getting as sick as Scott and I have been. I am using my sister's laptop right now for this post as I don't even have energy to get up off of the couch and sit at the computer desk. Please pray for me and my family and that things will get better soon. This is not only a physical struggle but an emotional one as well. It is hard for me to not be able to take care of my little girl and she also doesn't understand why I cannot do things with her. I just wanted to quickly thank everyone so far for their prayers, calls and visits to show support. Also for those who have sent flowers, gifts, food and cards. When I feel up to it, I will write up a more detailed "report" of everything that has happened, and get in contact with more of you personally. For now, I still appreciate all of your notes and comments. Scott checks them for me and lets me know of all of your well wishes.