Sunday, November 6

Baby's Cousin Hailey

There were a lot of great costumes at the party, but I'd have to say that my absolute favorite was baby's cousin Hailey Mercedes who was dressed up as this adorable little Bumble Bee. Have you ever seen anything cuter?


Anonymous said...

Haley is adorable in her little costume. and it was so cute how she was grinning @ Crissi in church this morning! It will sure liven things up at the Kornelsen gathering when there's 3 little ones!!

Amber said...

Auntie Carol, I agree...3 little ones at the K gatherings will defintely liven things up!! It would have been so fun to see how Grandma K reacted to all her great-grandchildren...just imagine her proud smile looking down from heaven, knowing there will soon be 3 :)