Tuesday, September 23

Farming Mishaps

So this was our big disaster of the farming season this year!! This semi was brand new, and it had a full load of bales on it with one of the homemade trailors. It really sucks when stuff like this happens, but at least no one was hurt. I guess the bales got stacked a little too close to the exhaust and the driver didn't notice and apparantly from the time they saw it was on fire the whole truck was lit up in about a minute and a half, and the load in about 3 minutes. Looks pretty scary!

Oops!! Luckily this wasn't our Baler, but Scott heard about this unfortunate farmer's accident during his "Sunday School Class" and we had to go check it out and take some pics. Scott and Kalia are wagging their fingers (naughty naughty!!)


Christine said...

Oh no! That is no good. At least no one was hurt!

JENN said...

Yikes! That's pretty scary! Glad no one was hurt though!

Erica H said...

Those truck pictures are FREAKY! Praise God no one was harmed!!! Farming can be such a dangerous profession...

Amber said...

those pictures ARE scary!

very funny pic of s&k saying naughty naughty. so it sounds like he's enjoying ss class then?

Wenona said...

whoa!! glad everyone was okay.

Gina said...

That's scary... Glad no one was hurt. That happened to my husband's truck once, got hay in the exhaust and it started on fire, luckily they got it out intime that the truck could be fixed.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Wow, that does look scary.
Any knews with Oliver's neck at all?