Saturday, January 21

Boo Hoo

Scott is now gone for 10 days to Mobil, Alabama on an MDS (Mennonite Disastor Service) missions trip, helping clean up and rebuild houses after the hurricane. They left very early yesterday morning. He did send me a text message and also called me for my birthday, though, so that was very happy! I love him so much! Since my husband was not here to spoil me for my birthday, my family is stepping up to the plate to make the time special for me. Yesterday Mom and I picked up my present from them - a GORGEOUS baby crib!! Scott also gave me the go-ahead to pick up the most beautiful bedding I have ever seen (see picture) for a baby! I am so excited to start on the nursery and make a home ready for our little one. Today, Mom and Cristina and I picked up Grandma and went to the cafe for waffles, and in the evening when Dad was home we had birthday cake and they gave me the rest of my presents (some beautiful dishes and a tablecloth). Tommorow, Jenna is joining us to go out for supper too which should be fun.


Amber said...

Can't wait to see how your baby room looks all stripe-y and painted! What a great idea...your baby is going to love his/her room!!

Amber said...

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention:
Cheers to high speed!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Brandi, I just want to wish you a happy birthday. It looks like your baby plans are going well. The time draweth nigh!!! I'd better see you yet before you give birth!
- Sneaks

grahamandkristy said...

Hey Brandi. I love the bedding you chose. So cute. We had a great time with your husband on our trip to and from Alabama. I really appreciated getting to know him better. You've got a good guy. We gave him some names for your baby. I don't think they went over to well. We'd love to hang out with you sometime. Hope your feeling well.