Wednesday, May 24

Kalia's Baby Shower

Scott's Siemens side had a shower for Kalia and me on Sunday afternoon. We had a really nice time and came home with LOTS of fun presents. Everyone was very generous and it was fun to show Kalia off to the aunts and cousins who hadn't met her yet!
The youngest of the cousins that made it out to the shower was Holly, and she was very eager to "help" me open Kalia's gifts (even though she ended up doing more opening than me with lots of them)
Holly takes her turn after all of her hard work!
Brittany holding Kalia
Grandma Siemens holding her first great grandchild
Scott's cousin Tess
notice the cute flower arrangement put together by Scott's aunt Marlene. The little duck is even wearing a diaper with diaper pins.
Look how surprised she is at all of the gifts she got!!
Wow! Lots of gifts - and lots of pink!!!!


Heather said...

Whew! That is a lot of pink! What a great haul. She'll be adorable in all of it. I can't see the orangey-magenta outfit very well - but it looks really sweet (left of you on the bed).

patti said...

YAY for pink!!! Gotta love it. It's so fun to dress little girls.

Janelle said...

brandi - you look amazing! my baby is over a year old & i don't even look that good! way to go! do't you love all the pink? i was SO not a pink person until Kamryn came along & now I just can't help myself! fun, fun!